448 / 112
12th Jun 2010
24th Nov 2012
No description provided.
itscool city coolness postlogicgates stickynote9 whatisnull null firstwoo savenulllow indubitably


  • marbdy
    24th Nov 2012
    sounds cool. i'll have to start looking into the new stuff
  • jacob1
    24th Nov 2012
    yeah. There are so many ways to make logic gates now. People don't really use walls too much anymore even. back then, it would really be a challenge to make good logic gates. And we even have signs now, so you could make a sign saying that.
  • marbdy
    24th Nov 2012
    I think I wanted to fiddle around with logic gates but there were no really compact ones up. one way of getting the message across i guess
  • jacob1
    24th Nov 2012
    and now, the question we have all been wondering: why did you make this save? You probably don't even remember though, I always thought it was funny how this save was kind of noobish. And I know there was also the old server, maybe you had stuff there, but on the new one, you do have the first. Also, I made your save not front page anymore, lol
  • marbdy
    24th Nov 2012
    ah and yeah, holy shit. I am looking at it right now and it has so much new stuff. might have to start playing with it again
  • jacob1
    24th Nov 2012
    and yeah, they used this as a 'secret' place to comment and talk to each other. Also, you got lots of votes because of the id I guess, people seem fascinated by the first save.
  • jacob1
    24th Nov 2012
    oh, front page. your save was on the top because of some joke we did (moderators can feature saves). I'm sure tpt has changed a lot since you last used it. But, congradulations on save id 1 I guess, you were one of the first users
  • said88
    24th Nov 2012
    lol its the 24th!
  • cj646464
    24th Nov 2012
    Me and cyberdragon used this as a chat room.
  • marbdy
    24th Nov 2012
    i'm actually marbdy. I was cleaning up old accounts I had across various websites and came across this again. fun stuff. what is fp?