the saves id turned to one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
lawl Posted at January 1970. Good one!
oops, I meant 319. Still, that one is corrupted/missing
K, probably wont be on then.
yeah, his saves aren't very good. Also, i'm leaving now, I have to write an essay due tomorrow. I only need 1 more page, but tpt is too distracting. I may be back when I finish later tonight (if I do)
They dont even make sense. Its really ancient. id:391 is wierd. check it.
It may have been corrupted in the server failure that happened last summer.
391 is corrupted, I could try fixing it, but i'm sure it's also just as bad as the others. A lot are almost the same thing too
save id's: 1, 886, 1718, 1774, 263, 391, 1713, 1032, 1025, 1024, 1022, 885, 884, 1781. That's all
Really, can I see. I saw Simons saves but not marbdys. Can I please see.