448 / 112
12th Jun 2010
24th Nov 2012
No description provided.
itscool city coolness postlogicgates stickynote9 whatisnull null firstwoo savenulllow indubitably


  • cyberdragon442
    7th Oct 2012
    wait...why are asking if I've seen my own book? I can see it right behind this window. And why are apraising it if you haven't seen it? It's a document not a save. -_-
  • cj646464
    6th Oct 2012
    IDK, theyre fixing the bugs in the next one. Oh nice book. Did you see it? Awesome right.
  • cyberdragon442
    6th Oct 2012
    I don't downvote unless it's really bad. ps...I got my username from my book. And how do I post a file to a forum or conversation? I'm going to make a mod when the bugs are fixed.
  • cj646464
    6th Oct 2012
    copy it. works in the new version. And its art but I want you to look at the COMMENTS. Dont downvote while your there either plz. It has 22 upvotes.
  • cyberdragon442
    6th Oct 2012
    A) don't like art. B) username. should read my book, working on it now. But I don't know how to post files to conversations. Is that even possible?
  • cj646464
    6th Oct 2012
    dID YOU SEE heat art. And there s no save id 2. No saves until 140. And I didn't. I said go slay a dragon which means you would actually do it and not die.
  • cyberdragon442
    6th Oct 2012
    this is still locked. besides...if he bothers us...try ID:2. other accidentally inferred that I kill myself. -_- *rimshot*
  • cj646464
    6th Oct 2012
    Its telling this unposted save was resaved at reposted today at 23:14:32. Do you think marbdy can see our convo. Check out my heat art comments.
  • cyberdragon442
    6th Oct 2012
    I'm right here. ps...we have a new guy. PowderChild. He needs to be trained...he stole a save. ( reference to "bad new guy!" joke on stolen save.)
  • cj646464
    6th Oct 2012
    Ok, well see you then.