448 / 112
12th Jun 2010
24th Nov 2012
No description provided.
itscool city coolness postlogicgates stickynote9 whatisnull null firstwoo savenulllow indubitably


  • cyberdragon442
    6th Oct 2012
    I'm in Maryland. Same time zone. If you see this at 9:00 am...I just got up. By 9:00 pm. this comment may have been bumped down.
  • cj646464
    6th Oct 2012
    If you see this, I went to bed. im tired. Talk to tomorrow at like 9. compensate for time zone. Im in Pa and your somewhere else so figure it out. Night.
  • cj646464
    6th Oct 2012
    Yes, cracker64 and I are besties. Oh yeah, I got some help with my homework and saves if I need it.
  • cyberdragon442
    6th Oct 2012
    people are jealous of new guy...I stated that bluntly. :P
  • cj646464
    6th Oct 2012
    YEah, Iquit with lua. Dude, cracker is awesome. You wont respond when i say something about him. im making a laser rangefinder right now pretty simple.
  • cyberdragon442
    6th Oct 2012
    -_-...m-shinoda is good at making saves...but is being a bad parent. He updated his stupidest save and abandoned his front page one. tsk-tsk
  • cyberdragon442
    5th Oct 2012
    I honestly don't even know what lua is. However, I am looking forward to the new source because it's C++ that I'm familier with.
  • cj646464
    5th Oct 2012
    Anyways, umm messing around with lua. Cant get it running.
  • cj646464
    5th Oct 2012
    IDK< I do. And me and cracker have been talking for bout week. Hes pretty cool guy.
  • cyberdragon442
    5th Oct 2012
    do people even click links anymore?...becuase I'm getting little or no activity on linked saves. (sigh) what's the point of them anymore?