448 / 112
12th Jun 2010
24th Nov 2012
No description provided.
itscool city coolness postlogicgates stickynote9 whatisnull null firstwoo savenulllow indubitably


  • cj646464
    24th Sep 2012
    Everything. To try and figure out who is the best user: Bomb, Electronic, Animation, Game, and Art.
  • cyberdragon442
    24th Sep 2012
    um...what exactly is the competition subject?
  • cj646464
    24th Sep 2012
    ah, poop. Well I dont know not my prob. Would you help me with a comp. I was thinkin about getting the best users and hosting a comp with five ppl. Tell me if that a good idea.
  • cyberdragon442
    24th Sep 2012
    um...I checked his pages...nothing...also the user that made the terraforma competition has also gone silent. 0_0
  • cj646464
    24th Sep 2012
    IDK, Im in a creator wars contest now. He's only about 11 i think he said. He was posting saves bout world ending and stuff. Hey my stuffs on most recent. I was thinking about starting my own contest.
  • cyberdragon442
    24th Sep 2012
    ps...have you heard of user:Tyrese673...because I entered a contest of his and he hasn't responded or even updated his saves for a while.
  • cyberdragon442
    23rd Sep 2012
    I am one of the few people that do...cause recent is usually full of crap.
  • cj646464
    22nd Sep 2012
    the wine is for her. It's probably tradition in mexico. Also, yes it is. Do you like my communication tekniques. I know you look at all those most recents.
  • cyberdragon442
    22nd Sep 2012
    but what does the wine have to do with anything? oh...and is that pony save really gone?
  • cj646464
    22nd Sep 2012
    I said that the wine for mother inventor's mother probably died. Look at the tags.