448 / 112
12th Jun 2010
24th Nov 2012
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itscool city coolness postlogicgates stickynote9 whatisnull null firstwoo savenulllow indubitably


  • marbdy
    29th Nov 2012
    studying hard. exams coming up. you?
  • cj646464
    27th Nov 2012
    Oh, well. That makes sense. How are ya?
  • marbdy
    27th Nov 2012
  • cj646464
    27th Nov 2012
    Wel,, That was the only thing that held pressure and didn't conduct heat. Catelite still uses walls, and some fp factories and such use walls, but when you do things now, people want to blow it up so they make it breakable. I want to talk to marbdy, where is he?
  • jacob1
    27th Nov 2012
    there really weren't many materials, maybe the first 10-20 elements existed (WATR, FIRE, CLNE, NITR, GOO, METL,DUST, SPRK, GUN, C-4, GAS ,LAVA, ICE, WOOD?, and... i'm looking at the game to find these, I didn't play back then but those are some of the first id's). In this time, people actually used walls to build things in most saves. That's very surprising to hear now I know, but just looking at old save id's they almost all use walls.
  • dom2mom
    26th Nov 2012
    I wonder how many materials there where back when this was made. i saw a video where there werent even bars yet, there were only about 15, 20 elements, but im pretty sure that was a little after powder toy just started.
  • cj646464
    25th Nov 2012
    Marbdy: \/ Pure awesomeness.
  • marbdy
    24th Nov 2012
    alright, thanks for all the help man
  • jacob1
    24th Nov 2012
    well, you can't make the simulation area bigger (save incompatibility, lag), but there is a double size, and a fullscreen option. click the checkmark in the bottom right for simulation options, it's there
  • marbdy
    24th Nov 2012
    also is there a way to make the window bigger?