Hey tpt. This is a club im starting, and i want as many members as possible. The requirements are 5 F.P or close to it, and i will check each weapon individually. I am fairly choosy about who joins it. I want this to be a high tone club. Good Luck
welcome Oats to wanted weaponry
I've have had 9 front pages. One of them was wepon related but it was removed under art
welcome winstonsdomain
I have around 11 FPs , couple are weaponry related.
I would not
i have a question, if you had a fp then i disappered would you be able to know if the had one.
QuentinADay, you do not fit the crtieria. I viewed your profile, and even if you do have many bombs, there were no Front Pages. Sorry.
also i specialize in bombs
hey i have 7 fps can i join?
Wanting new members.