Is anyone else getting low FPS on this save?
Best slot machine ever! The shop is really cool!
@jacob1, yeah, it blew up during the update, because you ran out of money for a second. That is all fixed now. Those were just errors caused by the new inst processor.
@jacob1, ? I never got that. Nobody ever reported that either. I will look into it anyway though. Did you do that yesterday? Cause I was updating it, and I did have some problems
for some reason, it sometimes says both "you won" and "you lost" at the same time, and gives you the money. I tried it in the official version too and that still happened. Then I kept buying and selling the vacation and it blew up O_o (but that was probably intentional) Edit: fixed spelling ...
The 2 people who disliked object XD
this is TPT's Officail best save!any one else objects? we show off to other game develpoers with THIS EPIC SAVE! it a honour taht ur in my club!XD
Wow... I just went through a race XD. I messed up my slot machine, but it is fixed now. Also, since I have no social life, I decided to add to INST processor. SO there you go, thats as fast as I can make it without completly changing the way that it processes stuff. But its plenty fast, faster than most other eletronics XD
Sorry, it still recives wifi, and sending it wasent in my save. The problem was that the wifi had a one pixel gap from the SPRK