void, thats what i mean, so jma1111 (creator) used sprk for that action
polar there are no parts to do it with
v50192, what happens to a spoon? Exactly, moron, it gets torn off, then if the spark tears of parts, what does the spoon do after the grenade was primed? ah yes, maybe you apply a current to it, how smart. "wah wah unrealistic"
eli1 are you stupid or something? do what the signs say in the save
v50192, his highest score may be less than yours, but your average score is 2 times less than his lololol
i agree with powdertoy_fan and Vericreativedude, v50192 is a complete m*****f***ing idiot
Veryuncreativedude: your highest score is 27 bruh