52 / 3
6th Jan 2013
12th Jan 2013
No Description provided.
computer parallel gate logic random koggestone decimal addition electronics ripplecarry


  • Amphealy
    10th Jan 2013
    No, I'm not aiming for large at all. I need a small adder for another save I'm working on. I need the adder to deal with 1 calculation every 12-16 frames(Preferably 12) with as many bits as I can fit without it getting gigantic. However, I'm not going to just copy one. I'll eventually learn to make a small one myself. But thanks for pointing me in the right direction. Serial adder might be what I need.
  • Rawing
    10th Jan 2013
    Impressively large, though I hope that's not what you were aiming for. Also, not really fast; a serial adder isn't much slower. I've built smaller (and probably faster) logic gates than the ones you've used, you may want to replace them.
  • Amphealy
    9th Jan 2013
    That happens every time you save. It doesn't mean the save is re posted. The ID stays the same.
  • TheBombMaker94
    9th Jan 2013
    It is, I saw in "By date" that this save was on the first slot.
  • Amphealy
    9th Jan 2013
    it's not reposted
  • TheBombMaker94
    9th Jan 2013
    You don't have to repost it: You're still on FP! :D
  • Amphealy
    9th Jan 2013
    No,I wont be making controls, there's no point, It's only 5bit. If you want to program the adder just set the bits. I want the space to add another type of adder if I can ever get the damn thing to work right. When it's finished the save will have this ripple carry adder and a simple KoggeStone adder.
  • laurence
    8th Jan 2013
    can we use our own numbers?
  • AC
    8th Jan 2013
    Can you choose the numbers on your own? +1
  • unknow
    8th Jan 2013
    why FILT?