This is tpt comunities first gun competition. The rules are inside. To join just ask in the comments. This is a deco gun making contest but if your gun actually works the judges may agree to give extra points. There is six days left til judging.
I will be entering if I get it done in time... I will probably have the specs finished but not the really good stuff. Oh, well, time to no life the heck out of my weekend.
Anybody else
Thats ok
and i didn't use DECO cause i suck at using it
My ID is 1063238
just give me the id and I can find it.
I finished it but how do i give it to you?
Thanks Blackninja130 for your effort and deanots, what is a chicken plane?
I'll enter wepons to destroy the chicken plANE
I'm not that good at making guns. I'll try though