A neat little ship that moves as a whole. Super small screen clearing version.
@game-rater this isn't a city save...
very good idea but maybe put a city infront of it making it even better :D. 7/10, if there was a city infront of it though then it would be a 9/10. :D.
i had that idea but why did i not do it rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr ,did you get the idea with the redpower 2 mod for minecraft
Love this new design. When you place WALL in front of it it will destroy itself. LOL
Did you make CRAY too?
YO CRACKA. Can you make a ship out of TTAN and DMND, so it's invulnerable? :D
hey jacob if you set tmp (or tmp2) you can chose what the max number of particles it can push, just look at bbdest's save for an example
I will probably make at least one element something that stops piston. But ... maybe I meant i've seen saves be affected by piston bugs, I don't know what any changes will do to saves yet, or if they will be affected at all.
What bugs are being used that will be fixed?
(this doesn't use any piston bugs though, but I have seen other saves use them)