5th Mar 2013
8th Mar 2013
This explains what thermite is made of and how hot it can get.
@EditorRUS Thermite does require enough heat to start the process but using a sparkler can be dangerous (Look up pre-heated Thermite). You can use a Magnesium strip, that's better.
@snateraar MnO2 is much harder to get hold of than Fe2O3. Fe2O3 is used in clay and a few other things so you can easily buy it on eBay or Amazon.
@mermwerm, there's different compounds with different characteristics, like a hobby compund is much different from ones used as weapons. use google goddamnit
Actually, rust is Hydrated Iron(III) Oxide. Just wanted to point that out...
bluecomet, there is only one kind of thermite. what are the others then?
you should make the zoom combusible. y'know, to make it more realistic. and explosive. and hilariouse.
Ah, something to do with the rust on my rusty crowbar! I'll save some of the rust on the crowbar, though...
I pitty those who didn't know this.
Holy crap, The knowledge is flooding my brain
Actually, there are several kinds of thermite, each with unique properties, but this is the most common recipe.