Tell me your suggestions in the comments.
Well techicly only FeynmanLogomaker because others were permbanned but I think jacob1 is still holding them somewhere. U just cant get to them.
Lol, Feynman (any account)...
:D .
Well Im mainly naming living legends but since u asked nicely if I find the time Ill add u. :D
Kikinicij: :O i think you forgot me!
Well what can I do to make it not against the rules quickly and easily? I just want to be legal here. :)
Just use the saves of people on the list lol
the front page was filled with crap for a bit, I demoted some saves and this got here with just 1 vote from another user. This is better than anything else, even though technically against front page rules. We need people to search out good saves for when this happens ...
Why am I not on this list.
Any suggestions people?