howd did this get front page, ive been doing this for awile didnt think it was a big deal. i was also the first to create super deut
this is the id for the save he insulted me on, thanks for keeping people like him off tpt id:1019774
lch7 has been at it again btw can you ban him?
wow just read this, and just realized that you can get banned for insulting people
GBMP was used really? Cheating
It worked when I turned on air +1
@potbelly the WARP does that
How does DEUT get spawned here?
and now that actually did happen. @lch7: if you do it again, you might find yourself perm banned, you have a ban history that spreads over a long time, all for things like that.
WOW! this is incredible! not many people can make a self sustaining sun! if you could somehow do it withought the GBMP or at least with it in the middle then i will make 20 accounts and give you +1 on ALL of them! (jokes, i don't wanna be banned). +1 and fav'd! by the way, shut up lch7, don't forget that you called eggy 15 a fag, and said TheNumberCruncher had no freinds, so who is the lonely one here? don't post hate comments or a lot of people will report you asking for ban.