Bunker defence on steroids! Go ahed and try to break it. Does it stay true to it's name? Any feedback will be appreciated.
my h-bomb made quite a dent..then the snow melted into quarts...
hey bro this is a nice wall
i didn't get your first comment. and of course if this wall couldn't stand up to a deut bomb then i would not have claimed that this was TPT's best bunker. and thanks to the 3 vote-upers. and yet again, like thunder and lightning, ANYONE ABLE TO BREAK IT YET?
mine didn`t destroy it id:1089722
Hey i met you on the 3th page of by date!
question repeat:ANYONE ABLE TO BREAK IT YET?
it uses 3x layers of psts.it can be removed by negative pressure. maybe some genius can make a timed bomb that has delayed 3 waves of explosives(since negative pressure is created automatically after each wave.) maybe able to kill this. but idunno who would do that. and @dinosaur22 did you even read the illegal elements? yours is a sing bomb. and @NOOB12321 but with the illegal elements anything except dmnd goes dead..making it impossible otherwise is exactly this wall's point. ANYONE ABLE TO BEAT IT YET?
fyi technically my bomb isint a infinite heat maker but it lasts for such along time so just informing you but it still makes it through its just that ill try to use my other bombs although psts in this bunker is very hard to break through and interesting and makes a good bunker.
I did it user:dinosaur22 imade the vaporizer
without some of the elements below, you cant destroy the wall so it pretty impossible