Because of the recent attacks on Heaven, Hell has decided its time up-grade their boarders. During that time, they used advanced techniques that would make them impentrable and laugh in the face of nuclear warfare. Credit to PTuniverse for inspiration.
DV-13 yes I know. Anyway, try to pass another way like you said. I gota go so shimmy: you'll have to wait for my reply.
Ambient heat was off. It can't be saved.
Kikinicij, thanks. I'll try to make another way to pass.
DV-13: you did get through but u used life which practicly destroyes everything and ambient heat was on. I am making more rules to stop the life thing but good job for trying.
Ok, pheonixsilverbird. I see you broke through it. Ill add your name to the list tommorow first thing. Sorry about the misunderstanding about the ambient heat. I need to make a rule about that... :S 00yoshi: I know you destroyed it. I already put your name in the wall of fame. Dv-13, Let me check yours.
erase tool <3 :D
Destroyed!!! (plut: allowed; thdr: allowed; not delete cray: allowed; inst: allowed; dmnd: allowed; btry: allowed; ttan: allowed; insl: allowed; pscn: allowed) 1161922
Erm mine broke through Kikinicjj. Look id:id:1161824 put ambient heat on.