21 / 13
15th Apr 2013
19th Apr 2013
Because of the recent attacks on Heaven, Hell has decided its time up-grade their boarders. During that time, they used advanced techniques that would make them impentrable and laugh in the face of nuclear warfare. Credit to PTuniverse for inspiration.
yourwallisweak andyouknowit actually itsstrong decooff anotherwall


  • Kikinicij
    16th Apr 2013
    Oh, true. Ok fine, its ok but whenever you can try not to use it.
  • WinstonsDomain
    16th Apr 2013
    Warp isnt used, it is created by the explosion of vibr.
  • Kikinicij
    16th Apr 2013
    Although I see the frame gets destroyed in the proccest of detonation which warp is used and thats against the rules...
  • Kikinicij
    16th Apr 2013
    It did! Good job. I like your b.o.m.b the most so far. Im just trying to make people be creative in their approch to this and so far so good. I +1 your BTW.
  • WinstonsDomain
    16th Apr 2013
    id:1162057 Ive tried this several times and has broken through every time.
  • Kikinicij
    16th Apr 2013
    Ill leave the wall of fame up for a day then Ill take them down and see if anybody else can do it with out cheating. Technicaly all the wall of fame people cheated. Not on purpous but both 00yoshi and 0901290 used cray that went past the wall... 0_o and greymatter used lighting... but its ok because... THIS IS SPARTA!!!!!
  • Kikinicij
    16th Apr 2013
    I looked through all the comments and decided on the three best people. Serveral bombs might have goten past but the pressure blew away the molten whatever that was melting away the wall. Others were duds... and others just didnt get past. I will judge these, then more people can try with THIER bomb to get on the wall of fame. Thanks for fp eerybody and one more thing, life isnt allowed anymore becuse it even goes off the screen and thats bad and no putting wall around the sreen to block it because thats not allowed so no more life. This time is an exception.
  • 00yoshi
    16th Apr 2013
    Life is too bad for me...
  • 00yoshi
    16th Apr 2013
    Destroyed in a couple of seconds 1161922 (Like 1160383)
  • ThePowderPerson
    16th Apr 2013
    I know what gets through... ERASE IT AAAAALLLLLL