Because of the recent attacks on Heaven, Hell has decided its time up-grade their boarders. During that time, they used advanced techniques that would make them impentrable and laugh in the face of nuclear warfare. Credit to PTuniverse for inspiration.
Also, my own way to defeat this based off of @observe's comment: id:1164229
It's partially banned in the rules, fairytail.
hey wuts wrong with that?
ha yeah i spent the longest time trying to make the smallest bomb i could that was just as, if not more, powerful than most big ones. eventually i just put them all together and made a post called death rain or something like that. i tried it on the wall and it worked! haha
Whats DMG stanf for?
I don't see DMG banned in the rules for this. And if it is, this wall must be weak if it can't withstand DMG. walls generally work best with a few layers, since different types of things can't destroy it all if it's all the same.
... lol, nice try FAIRYTAILAWESOMENESS1. NOOB12321: Ill add you to the wall of fame if you give me the id.
wheres my prize? lololol
so easy i just changed property edited the titanium and quartz to wood and it blew itself up. No rules against that. :D