Credits to Amphealy for something.
keaton456 HE COPPIED YOUR CALCULATOR keaton456
didnt someone already make this?
I remember we had PLUT and NEUT too - you can still download the orignal! Not to mention CLNE... Oh PT was an interesting game back then, and now look how far it's come.
Who remebers the original powder toy, when all you had was fire, sprk, c4, goo, wood and other things. +1
This could be used for a 'brain', allowing it add two actions or bis of information together to come out with an answer. :) +1
Aloysius, your comment is self-referencial...
hey bimmo, don't you prefer the second person?
jacob1 asks why you started your question with your name?
Beacuse it's my name
sentinal asks why you called yourself Aloysius?