This is a fortune teller. It can read your future with the flick of a button! I hope you like. It took me for-freaking-ever to outline the signs and all that. Note: All of the 'fortunes' are not meant to be offensive. If so, you have my appoligies.
i will be blown up by a creeper
It told me that I haven't finished my homework! O: What is this witchcraft?
Why does it say Chuck Norris is stalking me?
it said I would be blown up by a creeper, little late with that, I just was on my last technic episode, if you want to see that check out my channel (neobreaker10 is my username)
C'mon tothemyers, let them have thier fun. ;)
It's a nice randomizer and all, but that doesn't mean it "knows" anything about your future, guys. Stop with all the hocus-pocus superstition, people.
How does it know I have homework??? :P
This is amazingly accurate...I was going to make some miso soup in a few minutes and I was going to play Minecraft, but hopefully no creepers.
demonman200: Even still, you should try... :D
it said that i love bacon (i love bacon REALLY) and it said that in my future there will be soup (i love soup)