102 / 13
5th May 2013
7th May 2013
This save explains, how the new elements work.
newelements latest updateinfo tungsten useful information howto psns tugn gold


  • Kikinicij
    6th May 2013
    guys: I dont want to be advertising but if you want to support my dirt suggestion go here id:1167509 I really think we need dirt as a new element.
  • ThatKeiiidJJ
    6th May 2013
    <------Hey look at my picture! This is new too I guess
  • RoyalPurplePony
    6th May 2013
    @MrFusion I agree.
  • MrFusion
    6th May 2013
    DIRT would be very usefull!
  • Kikinicij
    6th May 2013
    jacob1: Did you see my element suggestion? (I know you did - a retorical question) I gave a detailed list of everything it would have. In case you dont remember it was DIRT and I even suggested MUD also. I put lots of thought and time into it. Thats why it got fp and it was almost in the first slot on fp. In truth, sand is boring... in real life dirt is totally diffrent that sand. Just saying.
  • jacob1
    6th May 2013
    there actually isn't too much to the new elements. PSNS is a copy of TSNS with a few lines changed, lol. But TUGN and GOLD have a bit to them Powdergenius101: No, Aloysius1234 suggested GOLD, and no one else. All other suggestions were basically all bad and said "add gold it's shiny and sparkles. add this list of 20 elements too: "
  • Powdergenius101
    6th May 2013
    Gold is my element they added my element
  • Clockuser
    6th May 2013
    Acid or caustic gas does not dissolve gold, and its melting temp is noticably low.
  • LoganBreen117
    6th May 2013
  • 12321
    6th May 2013
    Just waiting for people to figure out the secret properties of the new elements...