21st May 2013
6th Sep 2013
No Description provided.
click on the empty profile picture to bring you to where you edit it, then click "upload avater" which takes you to the website. You might have to login there too, but then you can upload one.
Woah, jst logged into TPT for the first time in liek 3 months. How do i get a profile pic?
Zach53: I made it before there were profiles in game, it looks fine on the website. It used to be slightly longer but I cut out a bunch of stuff on my mod. In game when I edit it it goes completely offscreen though ...
not working
wip still needs to work better
make a graph reset button with a PSCN sparking ARAY
Im still in the dev-process people
and scottcwoling14:It leaks ln2 and there is a NICE particle in your graph place
@Zach53:Didnt you just know jacob1 is moderator and developer?
@jacob1 looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong bio