73 / 36
25th May 2013
29th May 2013
I got the body from ParadisE, but i changed it from there.
body blood triedtosmellyest sniffsoap usedmg bpdarnold donthateidiots


  • bpdarnold
    26th May 2013
    If anyone can find the original owner and prove he is the original owner, i will give credit.
  • FireReaper
    26th May 2013
    Who really cares about where the absolute first version of this came from? I highly doubt this is anywhere close to. Besides I'll bet most of you saying this is a copy, said the same thing about that awesome photon grid taht was on fp about a week ago, a whole bunch of idiots (like the ones taht are making a big fuss about the fact that there is something similar out there) started to say he copied it when in fact it was the original creater that had when and modified it a little. Now all of you rude people who are inmature and need to get banned for hate crimes, go away and stop putting down people who make cool stuff.
  • bpdarnold
    26th May 2013
    sigh, well im sorry i ever got on the first page. Guys this is my first FP and everyone seems to hate it. This is about a year in the making, this is just my newest edition. Thanks for the hate.
  • Mr_Terroist_Dbag
    26th May 2013
    How and why did you find out, builderboy?
  • mygelz
    26th May 2013
    Add nitroglycerin in his mouth for a heartburn.
  • Potbelly
    26th May 2013
    This dummy electrolyzes H2O to form H2 and O2, the O2 it fissions to make C and H atoms, producing massive amounts of coal.
  • PTuniverse
    26th May 2013
  • 11builderboy11
    26th May 2013
    Putting BVBR to his nose makes him get diarreha,poop COAL and after a while,he will die
  • PTuniverse
    26th May 2013
    You guys rely too much on copies and copyright. I'm on bpdarnold's side. Even though I've seen this body multiple times, even I have no idea who made the original body. You're telling him to be specific and even then if he is then you're still saying things as if he didn't be specific at all. We can remove the ones that are completely copies, but with renovations like this, there is no problem. If you were turning against a save of a body like this, then you would be turning against ALL the people usnig this body, including Benassi.
  • Biologicar
    26th May 2013
    with what i should feed him