ou... code scheme somewhere near up left corner. sorry)
Startrek2013, what you need to Explain? XxoriginxX answer how you can use it.So, how it works... first you have data, one pixel coded by 4 bits(code scheme somewhere near links). I read 16 bits and decode it in to 4 pixels with specified material. Then print it, by printer head(big moving rebar). two counters(for vertical and for horizontal) lets me know, when I must move reading head and printer head, and about printing finished. How data storage works look "ROM memory" or my earlier printers and "memory". Sorry, for my english.
You need to provide an explaination. Please. :)
doesnt work for me either, all i did was press start
This should be the most voted save of all time for Powder Toy. Just saying. This is literaly just that awesome.