My NUKE! First, the EXOT and ELEC cause an explosion with help from THDR. Second, PLUT fissioned from the NEUT produced from THDR Third, the HYDR layer Fusioned with the OXYG layer. Fourth, the city turns to ashes :D
1709043 has the gas and oxygen removed
My super nuke did it :D Heres how it works: The layers of GPMP destroyed everything that was breakable by pressure, it then collided with the dest being spawned by the BCLN on the outermost layer, then the GPMP sent shrapnel from the city, bomb, dest, thdr, and ligh all the way throughout the saves turning everything to mush within seconds :D
Seems like proton bombs destroy it more quickly because of the lack of insulation. >:)
My bomb did it. Very slowly though. 1687215
and this is the bomb that did it 1661304 (dont forget to add the id: before the actaul id also i will stop ccomenting so i dont spam (:)
this is another -_- 1662133
dont go around acusing people of lying -_- id to the sun i made from this save ----> 1671459
its called the sun bomb ? the 2nd version doesnt form a sun sun idk why its called that but first version usauly does if newtonian gravity is on it is called sun bomb 1 but i wish i called it the phenix bomb but it sertanly isnt powerfull enogh to destroy it in 3 seconds but i dont see were i "lied"?