More compact. Similar programming. Better bomb. Still FREE TO COPY. State 7 = system crash. Comment if you want instructions. Current Program: the 3 state, 2 word busy beaver!
useless -1
tyop, only if it is presented with a read-head motion of both left and right. Also, it is ambient heat sensitive. The bomb isn't very effective.
Is it supposed to explode?
well, you might have to provide it with a tad more tape for it to be truly *infinite*, but it is pretty big as it is!
Wow! i remember studing and writhing simple programs for it, that was one of the impressive things i learned from programming. And look, tape is infinite here too! [adds save to favorites]
I thought it was gone for sure...
and... it is back on fp -.- 5 times
No, I am not related to powder_generator. The only association I have at all is to @smella and I don't belong to a group. The underscore is probably from common coding styles.
(_devices) Are you in any way related to powder_generator? Both names have to do with electronics (i think) and both of you have that line in your name. This line > _