116 / 15
27th Jun 2013
2nd Jul 2013
You broke trough the wall of a bank. You have to create a special machine to steal the contents of the save without triggering the alarm. Good luck! (Yes it's hard ;) )
easy amazingtrees bank meow difficult hardtodo challenge ambientheatoff sausag lolhetypedhard


  • PeterY
    7th Jul 2013
    jacob1 you`re stupid?making a powder like 2d minecraft?
  • timrop
    6th Jul 2013
    1250356 This is my way of getting in :P
  • jacob1
    5th Jul 2013
    I learned a lot about tpt electronics though :) and maybe some bugs to fix / a lua script helper thing for electronics too that I will make.
  • jacob1
    5th Jul 2013
    Also if anyone wants to see my failures in progress, see the history on this save here: 1247254. And that PSCN melts way too often ...
  • jacob1
    5th Jul 2013
    my entry: id:1249335 . I'm not sure if it works, unfortunately I have to leave for 5 or 10 (either but not in between) days and can't fix it. But when I come back hopefully i'll have everything fixed up. Also the PSCN and NSCN on the crane might melt near the beggining, if it does then reload. Then leave it running 20-30 minutes and it should get most of the GOLD (probably not all due to a glitch, but it might if my temp fix works). In my full test, as I was counting the GOLD and QRTZ I accidentally pressed ctrl+z ... so I never got a count. Also make sure to count any GOLD that's still LAVA stuck in some FRME.
  • 00yoshi
    4th Jul 2013
    wich gold? there are only lava
  • The_Fire_Toy
    4th Jul 2013
    Instead of ROBBING the bank, I NUKED the bank. :D
  • jacob1
    4th Jul 2013
    DoritosTaco: my current method goes through the Second hole, which is under the wall with the spark, and shoots a CRAY to destroy a DLAY down below. And for the photons I just send a fake photon beam instead. My design is similar, in that one spark in the vault room will set it all off, I never removed any PSCN.
  • Demonicidiot666
    4th Jul 2013
    CTRL+X, CTRL+V. Done! where is my reward? XD (just kidding)
  • Oats
    4th Jul 2013
    This is what happens when you release the layout and mechanics of your high security bank to the public.