TPT's strongest wall returns with an upgrade and a challenge! The wall, now much smaller, has a clear way of taking it down. To achieve it though, will challenge the toughest bombmakers of TPT. Good Luck!
@greymatter yeah but my bomb almost got through it in ambient heat, but not when ambient heat is off.
Decon12: If your bomb is not illegal, post the ID. Be the first one to get the hall of FAME.
hittox:Not really, The last layer is INSL, so unless you break the INSL, the molten materials stay inside, and the wall still stands.
HA!I went though it smoothly
Everyone, make sure you don't have your ambient heat on, it's too easy if it's on :D
Neither thunder nor an ordinary BRAY lazer can break it. I tried both. If you actually did, though, make a save showing your bomb/gun/mechanism and post the ID here please. Only then you can enter the TPT's strongest wall 2 hall of fame.
legitt through! only took me 30 min.....
broke it with a bray laser :)
says nothing about thunder. easy.
I'm wondering whether this would get fp, like my previous one did. I like to throw challenges and like it even better when I get a host of replies.