haha loads of comments while i was typing that. also i probably got something wrong.
@robogeek537 1) put them in a hangar when your moving 2) turn the fighter slightly away from the opposite of the way its moving, power up engines. turn complete. 3) turn around and burn to cancel velocity 4) a guided missile wouldnt need much fuel in space and would have a lot more room for an explosive capable of doing damage to something in space. 5) speed itself cant harm a person, acceleration can. 6) That is why they have to be fast.
Its amusing that they're arguing about something we are DECADES away from.
is there really a arguement about THIS? interesting........
1) Acceleration is determined by thrust vs mass, so figthers, having low mass, can have decent acceleration. 2) Turning is just burning in another direction so that the final speed and direction are those desired. Small ships are easier to rotate, and therefore easier to turn. 3) The way to slow down is to burn in a direction opposite to that of your craft. Dockings have been done before. 4) a sizable HEAT or perhaps nuclear warhead would do the trick and a 2 or 3 man ship would be on par with the pilot workloads of modern fighters. A drone would also work. 5) There's no such thing as lethal speeds, only lethal accelerations. It's quite hard to reach unsustainable accelerations with thrusters, unless they are unreasonably powerful. 6) All spacecraft are vulnerable to EMP. Shielding is quite heavy. 7) It's very hard to get the materials into orbit for big ships, so an exclusively heavy fleet would be unreasonably expensive. A mix of big and small makes more sense.
appologies for the previous comment, it was to rebute the_new_powder99999's comment before
by the laws of physics and simple knowledge, there would be no small space fighters, because when reaching such a high speed to keep up with the rest of the fleet is 1) nearly impossible to fit into a small design (unless you master timelord physics), 2) turning would take forever to accomplish, there's no medium to create the lift or aerodynamics in space to do fast, on the fly turning (back to 2nd half of #1), 3) there's no way to slow down in space to make anything able to dock in a hangar (no medium for resistance) 4) a reliable payload that would fit into a small design is hard to do, while being a small 1-5 manned fighter is hard to do, 5) there is no existing suit to keep a living pilot alive while at sustained speeds of even a 1 000 000th of the speed of light, which is well over lethal speeds, and wouldn't be safe. 6) even if one used UAV tech, a single contained EMP blast or hit would bust all the electronics in the computer flying the fighter. #yougotserved #PHYSICS #logicbomb