This is an example of the power that can be gained from fusion. It only takes a bit hydrogen to create large amounts of elecricity. Fusion can be sustained to produce massive amounts of power. Please comment. If you vote down, please tell me why.
its awesome what this game can achieve
@zachbell: I used gpmp as well, but I then did a side project that replicated the results of gpmp with the generation of a magnetic field. So in mine, gpmp represents said magnetic field that is being generated ,and sustained, by the power it produces. The side project was only theoretical because I wouldn't want to risk a high powered magnetic pulse in my backyard now would I! ;)
@eman123: it is possible, it just costs a lot and no company would ever back it because it's nowhere near as profitable as what they use now.
I replaced the psts with gpmp. It seems to have a possitive affect on the fusion.
@AlteredGenesis, If you mean from the oxygen, that isn't required. It wouldn't be good to have bmtl forming in the chamber. It would block the production of hydrogen if it built up too much.
zach you also forgot bmtl
oopps 4 atoms of hydrogen
asking why 4 atoms of oxygen make a chamber full of oxygen is like asking how did a little boy become a man....i think lol :)
@zachbell i think you should remove the conv