Not finished because I will add any of your guys sugestions. Please please please suggest! I need any and every idea I can get. I might add little decaying housed and buildings inside the floors and make a few other things outside the domes. Comment!
or not.....never mind
thats a good idea... also if you are at the very edge of a chat page where the little bar thing on the left it touching the very top or bottom, and you try to copy comething it moves to the next chat page....
p.s. im not trying to spam
oh ok it just didnt make sense till now
also in the future could powder toy have a refresh button for the comments page
its called "the powder toy".......oficially i think
@lockheedmartin why is powder toys nickname tpt when it should only be pt
yeah hes a moderator and well, does moderation stuff. admins do developing i think.
thats kinda cool what are yall hired to monitor powder toy
you should add a crashed plane!