72 / 21
21st Aug 2013
11th Jul 2014
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apesnotmonkeys year1246 year1067 evolution human


  • Cacophony
    24th Aug 2013
    It's sad to see evolution vs. creationism debates and know that the Catholic Chunch themselves believe in evolution. It's even sadder to see that part of it is because people don't seem to under stand evolution.
  • Kikinicij
    24th Aug 2013
    I didnt downvote btw... Im not a hater in that way... :P Lots of people disagree with that because of the age of the earth and how evolution COULD have happened because of what they say the earth is millions of years old through carbon dating but that was proven wrong because someone was able to 'fake' it to make something look really old through that process so we will never know the real age of the earth but it can be millions of years... things would be way different if it was that long. It makes sense if you think about it that its not THAT old, because think about how long it would take. Theres also the thing about how you cant transfere superior genes through generations because then they either lose some important genes that take the place of those or they are swapped for less superior genes which is devolution which is like a wolf, to a dog, through domestic breeding but there never can be a wolf, to a giant bear kind of thing because its HAS been proven that superior gene evolution isnt possible. I didnt explain it perfect but I remember going to one of those seminars, and there was this half-scientist and he was 'high up there' if you know what I mean and his discovery is part of the reason many people dont believe in evolution anymore.
  • Loadstar
    24th Aug 2013
    your name is yellow well you play tpt and i,m red well i,m the creatior o this save^^
  • doomdalek
    24th Aug 2013
    @loadstar, your name is red, and mine is yellow
  • Loadstar
    24th Aug 2013
    colours? what are you mean:D?
  • doomdalek
    24th Aug 2013
    are there any other colours?
  • doomdalek
    24th Aug 2013
    thx ptu
  • rememberme
    24th Aug 2013
    this makes me think of Deus Ex: Human Revalution
  • Loadstar
    24th Aug 2013
    boovish lack of space ^ ^
  • boovish
    24th Aug 2013
    Why are our legs bent like that