i made something that disproves instine when he says matter cant be created i put together something that shows it can hear is the link to the picture. http://filebin.ca/12VsA4NeMVel/howmatteriscreated.jpg
congratz you get the demolitionist god medal more medals soon now you can make team missions and invite people
i made something thats not a bomb but its called best rainbow goo animation
Slydog i mad somthing i think disproves the big bang. look on my saves its called big bang 1 thers a link to big bang 2 in big bang 1.
i made a nano fiber bomb.
its ok do any other team mates have experience with life
i dont know how i havent worked with life that much
message to whole team none of our life weapons are connecting to the body the star weapons crocromas the pisku and me made will not connect can any one make a connecter