Test the aero dynamics in this! If there is bmt or other brittle things, make them TTAN or DMND.
Nikola, yea. I think.
Did you try my ship :L?
ID:1305746 This is my Solar Conquer...(I used fire so... yeah...)
tezlas big entry is not acually that aerodynamic because if you look in vellocity display it has lots of NEGATIVE preasure arround it. it is pretty cool though good work tezla.
It can be anything, i test it and i have a score thing. Basically, make it the most aerodynamic.
I have a question, because i want to participate, it has to be a rocket or i can make a plane for example? And its just for looks or its like the most areodynamic something?
here is my entry for the little object ID:1304623
My entry into the large catagory, ID: 1304605 Thanks for the awesome comp and amazing aerodynamics chamber, i have been testing with it all day
I made a large entry. ID:1302784
good, i just turned heat off and there was no problem.