novae of any sort will become a nebula, they would become superdense, and a black hole would form in the star's core, and devour the star, but releasing arrows of gamma rays, and a high amount of energy.
This isn't what a supernova would be like but things like this do happen to stars rarely.
srry I misspelled your name
@olirickz: I already knew about this crap. no need to offend others about it.
tatr isteachers pet smartass
0.o all I care about is that its soooo PRUUUUTY
no no... Supernovas come from stars larger than G class: our sun. Smaller stars fade out expelling gases, and shedding its outer layers into a planetary nebula. Supernovas on the other hand are explosions from giant starslargerthan our G class sun. When a supernova happens, it converts it's helium to another elemnet and it goes on and on until it stikes iron. Then bam! the star explodes making a bright burst of light and expelling gases. Usually, the remain of supernovas (the core of the star) turn into pulsars or neutron stars. The higher the mass and density of the star, the more likely a Black hole will form. And yes, supernovas CAN create black holes depending on it's mass. Otherwise it turns into a pulsar or neutron star.