A Laser Competition! yaaay! all you have to do to sign up is make a laser, put it on this tester, and post it. put the ID in the comments and let the best laser win! i will accept: heat, phot, elec, fire, and plasma lasers. MAY THE BEST ONE WIN!!!!!!!!!!
Hello, have a question, what is your level? Because the same level would be kinda cool if work ...
I FIXED IT MOTHERFUCKERS. i set goo to glass and coal to PSCN. if your laser can get through it now post the ID and let me fucking tally votes, im getting very bored.
Yeah, I don't think goo reacts to heat. And a laser is essentiall just that: heat.
Impossible for a laser to beat this. Neither GOO nor COAL will melt. COAL only reacts to fire and GOO only blows up under pressure.
I will enter and tell you the ID of my save in a second.
post the ID and the catagory for it to be elegable!