dude your puff maker report :- when i press the gas button it becomes full of smoke repare it please
check out mine id:1333793
OK, nijalnninja98 we will see, so far so good. It's desl and it uses pumps to ignite the desl also pumps in the fuel line to stabilize the pressure in the fuel line so it does not ignite by itself, it took me some time to come up with that, the bloody thing is in the making 5 days... The deco, the construction, and mainly the engine is taking quite some time to make good..
if you need help with an engine for it or just electronics i could help.
I am making a DESL tractor with 2 cylinders and variable throttle (2 settings, idle and fast), and a bit of deco, but I have loads of studying to do, and I don't like posting unfinished saves that barely work, so until I make it as good as I can, it won't be online, expect it tomorrow, maybe tuesday, it depends. Also some features I listed might be removed for some reason or another, or some new ones might be added.
if you rpalace the dessil with nitro it goes much faster