this machine compresses 35 bits of data through ONE wire than decrompresses it ont the other end. this machine is controlled by pulses, it registers a single puls as a negative and a double pulse as a positive.
@Fir11 actually multiplexing a complex code across one wire is one of the hardest things to do when you limit how much time you do it in and how many pixels you use. see my multiplexers for real complexity. @gunman13 same as before see my saves. 1263370 & 1291661.(sry for advert but what am i gonna do, advert someone elses'?)
2 questions. What exactly is a data multiplexer, and what can it be used for? Just want to know what this is 'cause I don't know jack about electronics this advanced.
one wire is perhaps the most useful, however. Great for downsizing tech (in the future).
jus sayin, but... I think the most fun of making electronics is the complexity. one wire is NOT complexity.
Nice save! +1. I would appreciate feedback on a new save of mine, 1350300
@sentinal-5 It works fine.
@sentinal-5, i looked at a lot of your saves and i noticed somthing, you mostly rely on parts from other people that you just assemble into fancy machines (except for your traction cities, those are neat). while my work is 100% original, i will nver even look at other peoples saves when working on a project so i dont copy them. and "one wire" more like 5 or 6. and i started on my original muxer at least a year and a half ago, i have only been posting my saves recently.
@sentinal-5, what are you talking about? i will not post somthing until it is 100% functional
oh... and it also.... y'know.... worked.... just thought i'd mention it...
i made a much smaller 8-bit multiplexer/demultiplexer AGES ago.... ID:960519 and i made one which controlls an 8/8 screen through one wire.... ID:1225686