Vector M2 This is a gun i made from scratch, all the stuff you see in the save is new and has never been used b4. And yes i know, it dos not have a sight on it. Plz don't copy. I like my work to stay on my pages.
Ah yes lol, tried it again without any interference and it works like a charm. Sorry about that, great work
rely runemaster? that is kind of a lame reason. but if voting down saves like this floats your boat, go sum ware ells. Hey shade. could you mail me the reason why you don't like saves like this? i would love to know so i can do better :D
hey guys check this out and pls like it id:1372901
Deco is pretty awesome. But the gun takes up the entire f**king screen so -1 because it's massive.
This deco is amazing. Normally I downvote on these saves, but this is one is the exception. +1
@Sky, thx for reporting the prob but it is working fine for me. sumthing might have fell on the mech when you were shooting sumthing. but thx for telling me :D
Reload just shows up as one bullet on that display but fires normally, just a small thing. Otherwise awesome work +1
Its awesome butI can't see the bullets! +11687463
This is pretty cool. +1