Not really hidden, just some useful (ish) elements that I made by modifying others. No layering included. If you make a save with these in you can post it in the comments. Free to copy :)
No, it has been modified to be 1000x stronger, it is antimatter, just modified.
HMTR is AMTR, are you a newbie or something?
Holy S***, just read the description guys, I said these are fake, they do exactly what it says they do. just because they are made from other elements doesn't mean they are any different. Also, whoever is spamming jackass in the tags will probably get banned.
@bmanmad: Wrong. It is LAVA with CTYPE of ICE
lie why do u have to lie to every one here
JUST FAIL! -10000000
ubwr is tesla coil
magma is ice and lava
pbomb is just pipe with bomb
fail we can see everything