Not really hidden, just some useful (ish) elements that I made by modifying others. No layering included. If you make a save with these in you can post it in the comments. Free to copy :)
i hate to be annoying, but can you please check out my save?If it's locked,tell me immediatley.And if you like/dislike it please vote. The save id is 1386823. Thank you
You just decorated it but i like the cflm +1
misleading title ftw...
why would helium make good rocket fuel? it dosent react. maybe make it so hydrogen fusses to make helium in nukes?
Good concepts, however helium should not float at a high velocity, as hydrogen is in fact a lighter gas than helium.
Same for Helium, its just Sub Zero Flame with different colors/
There was no change in making hypermatter... Its just anti-matter you can find in Radioactive elements...
its be cool if this elements realy be added to game in next updates :D
GOoD you realy know how to use console powered bomb is good element and other not bad if i can i will give +10 but i can't vote +10 and i vote +1 =) :D :=) =) 0D and other smiles
Although I think I misunderstand you. You say that helium is unreactive however it makes good rocket fuel. How does dees work?!?!?!