The object of the game is to make it to the end with TRON. Before you unpause you have to spark the right pistons to block paths that are incorrect. If you have blocked all the paths you can unpause and spark the start button. Use "z" to zoom.
If you find any bugs just comment about them and i'll see what i can do. there is a bug where you have to spart some pistons longer than others but theres nothing i can do about that. also +1 if you like it. thanks
This is an amazing creation! +1 for awsome maze and TRON!
Awesome, i really enjoyed it, i made some mistakes but i won, i had to delete the DMND to undo an error but its still pretty cool!
I posted this like 10mins ago and it already got FP!!! WOW!!! Did not expect that. Atleast this isnt a fail.
Im glad to hear you like it. I know the maze is easy but I just wanted to see if people like the idea. I'll see if i can make a harder one if i get enough like and good feedback.
I like this idea +1 there is a lot of different pathways you can use, game is pretty easy
Comment to say if you like the idea or not.