easy, and not fp worthy, but thi sis a fun experement: remove EVERY SINGLE DROP of LAVA, so there is only metl, then place ONE drop of regulay LAVA. BTW one drop: one pixel
Cool effect Waffle3z! +1 very facinating
PLEASE STOP CRITIZISING SAVES JUST BECAUSE THEY ARE ON F.P.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I DON'T LIKE IT WHEN PEOPLE SAY "oh this isnt even front page worthy." Its not the makers fault their save got on F.P. (I just hate people like that!)
I'm sorry, but there's no reason to get this on FP at all. As explained in the comments, anyone can quite easily do this. Stop basing your opinions off of what others thing should be on FP.
i made the metl metl melt with no particle!
@tmo97 see my previous comment ._.
Add a single BOMB. The METL below melts.
"!set ctype lava (element)" will change lava to molten (name of element)
@Pharoah :P That makes more sense. :D