217 / 45
31st Jan 2011
4th Feb 2011
Fusion reactor version 2.0: Brand new, well organized control panel. Outer power line soon (the plug is a placeholder).
fusion control-panel neutron electricity heat deuterium plant reactor oppa power


  • animeboycody
    17th May 2013
    hey photonics can i copy this
  • wolfy1339
    15th May 2013
    it just melts because it is too hot
  • JusticeFighter
    11th Jan 2013
    ps: this is impossible because you cant just glue diamonds together and this mass of diamond only exists inside uranus. BUT: this is TPT! a very realistic simulator of modern life! One quarter of the "worlds" elements are explosive or something like it.
  • JusticeFighter
    11th Jan 2013
    I hope anyone ever constructs a "reaction" reactor without diamonds, its just too idiotic to spend trillions of dollars for this thing and then see the small diamond shards fly everywhere or see someone go at it with simple fire.
  • mypowder2
    17th May 2012
    anyway when you activate it it explodes so i wouldn't want to invest money in it
  • fatcat00
    21st Apr 2012
    if it was fissile !set type filt iron and delete the dmnd to see how it would work, also its not fission in tpt cause that means: 1 heavy atom splitting into 2 lighter atoms, releasing heat and pressure
  • fatcat00
    21st Apr 2012
    this is not fission or fusion, "deut" is a mixture of 2 deuterium atoms(gas) and 1 oxygen atom, and is not fissile, irl this would cost alot of money and fail, its the truth,i know my facts +1 for effort.
  • whatsup2314
    8th Apr 2012
    i had same problem as alot of people, tunrn off ambiant
  • psharpep
    1st Apr 2012
    This is a fission reactor, not a fusion reactor. -1
  • dudewiththebling
    30th Jan 2012
    mine exploded