30th Jan 2014
11th Jun 2014
A powerful photon laser. Please give suggestions on how to make it better!
My new heating system generates s lot of pressure. This deactivates the INVS which I use to turn the photons into neutrons. Pressing '=' resets the pressure, temporarily activating the INVS resulting in a short blast of NEUT.
@konsole. How did you do the "=" thing?
Press '=' for neutrons now :)
Sorry, the NEUT conversion doesn't work. I'm going to try to fix that.
you should add frme+ttan
UPDATE: All-new heating system now gets the photons up to around 9600 temp! It also generates quite a bit of pressure.
UPDATE: Aiming system now hot
UPDATE: Added TARGETRON by Sandwichlizard and an aiming system (bottom)
Yes. Install a TARGETRON. id:1453486
Any suggestions?