This guy also made a microwave a while ago id:878180
(Sorry for double post) The reason I wanted this to not be voted up is because this is essentially the same thing as his original version. All I did is !set type insl frme, then add some insulation where needed to prevent issues with the electronics. Thanks for front page, but I wish it could've been something original.
Goddammit. For the first time ever, I am sorry to be on the front page. This is my third time, and I hate it. Please, for the love of everything Powder Toy, READ! It says at the bottm "PLEASE DO NOT VOTE UP!" I just meant for the guy who made the original version to see how I fixed it so he could use this himself... If there's a watchful moderator out there, could this be taken off the front page, please?
*please do not vote up* *gets fp* derp
hey @jamie_hyneman, the first save got fixed so chill.
Nice reverse psychology! + 1
As i've said before, 9 in Roman numerals is IX, not XI. Please fix this in both saves.
Two microwaves on FP. what next, a washing machine?