@h4zardz1P: If you spell it "GLaser" doesn't look as cool.
Or, fastest thing on TPT. Whateves.
After doing the whole Invis thing.. looks like it could be breaking the TPT sound barrier. Theres sort of a cone shape which may not be visible to the eye of Ye Olde TPT but definitely visible in velocity display. So, I'll +1 since its.. THE FASTEST THING ALIVE!
weh ave ma de infi ni te tec hnol og y. Bu t som e ti m es i ha v e. (Traaaanslation) *i am trying to be jerman* LOL
@dart193. real lasers do not have energy creating chain reactions. They require a constant source of power (electricity) to produce a beam of columnated photons. If lasers had energy creating chain reactions I would buy a big one and a photo-voltaic cell then I would get rich off selling the free energy.
By the way, this is how real laser works - creates chain reactions which produce energy, which is reflected off most of walls and half-reflected by one wall.
@Alfa, I was just trying to note that it isn't a destruction laser...
@mehguy what does the temperature matter? this isnt a laser meants for destruction jsut to be kinda epic.
Very nice idea, I was fooling around with this very same concept a couple days ago but couldn't get it to work like this. I could however make a shining glowstick that shifted colors according to temperature.