YES! its till here! ive made major tweeks here, Again - and HATERS! ; knulla dig och knulla er alla!!!! XD added some cool guys like spazzy lostie and... crab? lol
ADD Trixie
pricess selestia 10000 luna 10000 :/?
agel spaike, create add pets!
Yes! look at all of those beautiful dislikes!
Im scared from Big Mac in one FanFic he abducts all the side ponies like scootaloo and does very bad things like abusement, torture and even rape...
hey, its a sign of friendship, cyberlly lol and because you made a nice logo just for me!
You you you added me... i feel cared for...
didnt you knotice that?
fun fact, pinkie had a birth day too you know AFTER she said that
Couldn't help but notice that you put Fluttershy and Pinkie's ages to 21. Fun little fact, but there's actually a moment where Fluttershy mentions "I'm a year older than you" when talking to Pinkie. Just thought I'd throw that out there. :D