286 / 38
28th Feb 2014
26th Jul 2014
Live indicator: blood bar; brain bar; hearth bar; Damage indicator: radiation sensor; heat sensor; explosive sensor
body shoot badtagz wtfisdis blood bomb sniper machine elec city


  • cocoacat211
    16th Feb 2015
    i stuck a flying robot up his crotch :D
  • clutches0324
    17th Jan 2015
    well then.... i made him bleed out of his anus for a small bit, then i decided to give him mercy from the Taco Bell meal he obviously must have eaten.
  • Loadstar
    19th Aug 2014
    GoldEagle good idea but its V4 and at release of V5 i dont update older version of it. Kalik no :D
  • Kalikedeshi
    16th Aug 2014
    Let me gues... the blood is explosive.
  • GoldEagleGaming
    11th Aug 2014
    i got the perfect idea... v5 has more stuff but less space, so copy v5 weapons and then open this page and paste it in v4, GENIUS
  • CTpyromaniac1337
    6th Aug 2014
    there is no room for big guns. :/
  • Loadstar
    6th Aug 2014
    Yea, the space in v5 insulting you :)? And downvote doesnt matter i dont care on this save xD
  • CTpyromaniac1337
    4th Aug 2014
    oh, and i accidently pressed downvote when i went to press upvotes :c
  • CTpyromaniac1337
    4th Aug 2014
    i like v5 because you can to all sorts of things, but in this one there is more room for bigger guns and bombs :3
  • The_Powder_Boy
    30th Jun 2014
    My bomb gives off masive amounts of electrons and it sparked every button giving him infinite blood, 3 bullets in him, and two explosions.